Introducing Karuna House
The Karuna Pilot Supportive Housing Program
Helping residents find their own "life worth living" while providing safe, sustainable housing with 24-hour peer-based, person-centered support.
How is Karuna Different?
Karuna's Pilot Supportive Housing project is a new and innovative housing solution that does not currently exist in La Crosse. It has three core components that separate it from other supportive housing programs:
Co-Living Style Apartments
Six bedroom/two bathroom units with shared kitchen and living space provide comfortable rooming house accommodations. Rent assistance is included.
24-Hour Onsite Support Staff
Karuna focuses on peer-based support and provides professional care coordination with other community service providers so each resident can work towards achieving their own personal goals.
Community Connection
Connection to community, friends and family is key to any successful transition out of homelessness. Karuna helps residents engage with community service and planned recreational activities.
Rent Payment
Each resident is responsible for a monthly rent payment based on standard HUD subsidy calculations. Residents with no income will work with staff to obtain income or earn rent credits by engaging in extra hours of community service.
Who is Eligible?
Karuna supports individuals who experience persistent, intensive mental health needs and struggle with substance use as well as having chronic physical health concerns. We specialize in supporting people who have previously participated or are currently participating in a supported housing or shelter program but have been or will be discharged and returned to homelessness. All of our residents have been homeless a minimum of 12 months cumulatively over the last three years with preference given to those meeting HUD’s definition of chronic homelessness.
Individuals Struggling with Mental Health and Substance Use Issues
Individuals Struggling to Be Successful in Traditional Programming
Chronically Homeless Individuals
House and Lease Rules
Typical lease obligations apply plus residents work together to create their own house rules.
What is Required to Participate?
Community Service
Each resident will be required to participate in 20 hours of community service per month. The type of service is entirely up to the individual, based on their own abilities, and can be done on their own or with group projects.
How to Apply
Applications are currently closed.
Email info@karunahousing.org for more information about upcoming availability and how to apply.
What Our Residents Are Saying:
"I'm still adjusting but it's time. It's nice to have a home. I can get my knee taken care of. I've just been living with the pain on the street. I'm getting there."
"I felt disrespected and not trusted when I was homeless. Having housing makes me feel secure and trusted - trustworthy again. Being accepted into the Karuna Program I felt loved, supported, and understood. Like I have a second chance.
"Before Karuna, I was out on the streets and at the warming center. I also lived at Houska park and other parks, so this is a major shift for me...
It's good for me."
"At Karuna you can wake up, have your needs met, eat three times a day, rest and not have to live at risk while on the streets.
Living with others has helped me learn about community development and shared efforts."