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Year 1 has been full of successes! 

Direct Impact

Karuna supports individuals who experience persistent, intensive mental health needs and struggle with substance use as well as having chronic physical health concerns.

We are now finishing our first year of operations and the Pilot Project is working!

We have had many successes since we opened in October 2023.

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In the beginning

In the year since it launched, Karuna House has transformed the way people experiencing homelessness can find support and build a “life worth living.”
Cold, wet weather came earlier than expected in October of 2023 so the Karuna team decided it was time to open the doors to Karuna House, an innovative new housing model that provides 24/7 support and connection for La Crosse’s most vulnerable residents to build healthy, resilient, productive lives.
Originally slated to open in November, staff and volunteers, including folks from the Exchange and the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, worked quickly to finalize furnishings and other necessities to help get the house in order and the first residents in, out of the elements.
The first five residents came in directly from the streets on October 12th with another five moving in from the Salvation Army Emergency Shelter on October 23rd. An 11th resident was added in early 2024 after Karuna’s request for a rooming house license was officially approved by City Council.

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Finding their own life worth living

Karuna supports chronically homeless individuals who experience persistent, intensive mental health needs, struggle with substance use, and often have other chronic health issues. The pilot Karuna House, a rented duplex near the Goosetown Neighborhood of La Crosse.​


Health & Wellbeing

  • All residents have access to a primary care provider, dental & mental healthcare

    • 1 major joint replacement surgery

  • Recovery from Substance Use

    • 5 residents came to the project already in recovery & all have maintained their sobriety

    • 2 completed substance use treatment

    • 1 is on a waitlist for substance use treatment

Employment & Education

  • 5 residents are currently working

  • 2 have maintained employment that they had upon acceptance into the program

  • 2 have obtained new employment

  • 1 received a promotion and is working to get off of SSI

  • 1 person is preparing to return to college to complete their BS

  • 1 person is applying to the CNA program at Western Technical

  • 1 person received a vehicle from the Chariots4Hope program, for work


What are our residents saying?

"At Karuna you can wake up, have your needs met, eat three times a day, rest and not have to live at risk while on the streets. Living with others has helped me learn about community development and shared efforts."

"Before Karuna, I was out on the streets and at the warming center. I also lived at Houska park and other parks, so this is a major shift for me... It's good for me."

"I'm still adjusting but it's time. It's nice to have a home. I can get my knee taken care of. I've just been living with the pain on the street.
I'm getting there."

"I felt disrespected and not trusted when I was homeless. Having housing makes me feel secure and trusted - trustworthy again. Being accepted into the Karuna Program I felt loved, supported, and understood. Like I have a second chance.”
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Business Mailing Address:

703 Farnam St, #207

La Crosse, WI 54601

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